School of Nutrition and Health Sciences
The School of Nutrition and Health Sciences, founded in 1979, is the first school of the College of Nutrition, with MS program, professional MS program and PhD programs established in 1995, 2000, and 2002, respectively.
The school has over 3500 outstanding alumni in nutrition-related field. Based on the concept of "Life counts on health, and health counts on nutrition", the School of Nutrition and Health Sciences strives to train professional specialists in therapeutic nutrition, nutrition research, nutrition education, food service management, and quantity food production so our alumni can apply nutrition knowledge to public health promotion.
Spot light
BEST pass rate for registered dietician in Taiwan.
Most dieticians in Taiwan are our alumni.
Each international student published an average of 2 scientific articles.
More than 75% of Indonesian students from our master’s & doctoral program have got a faculty position at top universities in their country after graduation.